Thursday, July 26, 2007


Mein Gott!

we are almost done. how can it be? well, it can be because it is - time is relentless and so are these shows. yet each is, unrelentingly, spectacular and some suprisingly so.

Last night we showed up in Stockport, just outside of manchester, at the Blue Cat Cafe and there was no keyboard. nor any sign of our keyboard arriving. the band we had been in touch with just decided not to show. alas! Seth did a solo set, excellent and entertaining - even covering a sans-piano version of "hold it in" as i twitched in corner the of the room. seth finished (applause, applause) and then our new friend Tom Hingley (of Manchester legends the Inspiral Carpets) appeared in the back of the room like a magical elf, except not elfish in really, he just appeared magically.

we said in unison: 'why have you come here'
Tom Hingley: to let seth harmonize on one of his favorite songs with me ("This is How it Feels" by the Inspiral Carpets)
*Seth faints*
Ben: That's it? what crap!
Tom Hingley: 'Also, we will drink together (i will slip slowly on this Latte with chocolate sprinkles and you can continue to nurse on that guinness, your fourth no?) Then after, i will give you both a ride home and tell you about how i used to take noel gallagher to home here after shows and play at this famous venue, and spank the misbehaving Gallagher brothers on this street corner whilst the stone roses laughed.'
*Seth faints again*
Ben: Who are the stone roses? wasn't noel gallagher that commedian that smashes watermelons?

Mostly, that is how the night went. could have gone very poorly. ended in what seemed to be a miracle, save for any saviours born or lives bettered.

off to liverpool. final gig! ('a gig a gig!', shouted the Lady Hilaria weeks ago, hopping with each syllable). Can we have been on the road for this long? Can we have really visited this many cities? What a unique form of exaustion and ecstacy, of perserverance and optimism. And soon more of this, professional couch dwellers and rugged travellers.

yours truly,


Here's some photos...

Seth takes the stage...

Seth Kallen @ the Blue Cat Cafe, 7/25/07

Seth breaks a string (as usual), Tom Hingley rescues us, Ben plays some piano (sans sustain pedal)

Ben Thornewill @ the Blue Cat Cafe, 7/25/07

Tom plays! It is marvelous! Unfortunately Seth's camera was in his pocket when they sang "This is How it Feels" ... so there was no documentation...

Tom Hingley @ the Blue Cat Cafe, 7/25/07

1 comment:

ryandrummerboy said...

Brilliant!! Cheers for Tom Hingley!